22 May 2015
This has really been a momentous week in the history of Faith Broadcasting Network as well as the progress of the Studio project. On Sunday 17 May we hosted Kenneth Copeland in East London for the FaithWorship Live Service. It was during the meeting that the Lord spoke prophetically through Brother Copeland to Ps André and Jenny, and by extension to the broader family and partners of Faith Broadcasting Network!


“I realise the anointing of increase – that same anointing on Jesus when He blessed and broke the loaves and fish. Father we know what Jesus said, ‘I only say what my Father has taught me.’ And You only said exactly the same thing when You blessed Adam, exactly the same thing when You blessed Noah.”

And this is what He said to those loaves and fishes and this is what I say to this television network, this is what I say to André and Jenny – Be fruitful! Be blessed! Multiply, replenish the earth, have dominion over it and subdue it one hundredfold now! In this time, I mean right now! Glory to God! I mean a hundredfold and then over and over millions upon multiplied millions of souls coming into the Kingdom of the Living God!

And this thing will be finished and it will be built and it will be magnifical and the people will rejoice and the angels of heaven are rejoicing now, and you will see it come to pass just exactly as you have believed it; only it will increase at first tenfold and then it will increase ten more and then it will increase ten more than that. For the anointing that has come on this place is of great importance for this continent and it is continuing to increase.

And all of those that are your partners, “I am adding new partners to you” says the Lord. “Very strong financially and they will obey me. I am increasing your long time partners and they will obey me. And the anointing, so great, from Heaven to you and to all your partners, that you will be so strong and it will expand so greatly, not because of more effort from your part and not because of more effort on their part, but because of My grace and My anointing. And you will not come short, you will not fail, you will not lack, you will not want and you will never! Be diminished, for these are the times of My Grace. So stretch forth your hands and bless humanity!”

We were all tremendously encouraged by these words and renewed in our faith to see this important project complete.

Then on Wednesday 20 May, Avalon Steel Projects, the project contractors, cast the first part of the new concrete floor. The whole staff congregated to celebrate this milestone, and we even filmed the FaithConnect programme right there. We took a Bible (one of 4 we plan to place in the floor), and everyone on the team signed their name in a statement of faith. Once done, the Bible was placed in the first concrete cast by Ps André as a symbol of our trust in the Lord, and as a dedication of the project to Him. Most of you would have seen the programme by now, and if not, there are some re-broadcast scheduled. This portion of the floor has a critical position and place in the whole structural integrity of the floor, which is why this section had to be cast first. From here on forward, the engineers tell us, progress will be speedy.

Just over 39% of the initial R30-million budget has been met, and made possible by all the partners who have joined in the vision of seeing God’s kingdom extended. The team of Faith Broadcasting Network is very privileged to have so many like-minded people at their side and is honoured to call them friends. There are daily calls and emails from people all over the world who are pledging support, both in prayer and finances, for the project. We know that God commands His blessing where there is unity, and so together and united we believe to see the entire renovation completed on time.

Even while the on-going construction is happening the team is hard at work in ensuring all programming goes out on time, new broadcast partners are being procured, and general planning goes on unabated.

Thank you for your continued support in prayer and finances – we value your partnership greatly! To give you some practical insight into the timeline of the project, and also to help you pray specifically for each stage in this phase of the development, here is an anticipated timeline (we will keep updating you with the latest news as the plans unfold!

  • Vacating of Studio A (old) and removal of all broadcast equipment.
  • Renovation of Studio B as the interim main broadcast studio.
  • Removal of +/-8% of the old wooden floor and shuttering put in place.
  • Casting of the first part of the new concrete floor
PHASES TO BE COMPLETED (4 May – 15 December)
  • lifting of Oregon floorboards
  • casting of concrete floor
  • erection of support beams
  • erection of roof trusses
  • building of tiered seating structure
  • waterproofing of entire roof/wall areas
  • carpeting
  • chairs to be installed on tiers
  • construction of stage and storage areas
  • Installation of sound, light and video equipment
  • building of main set for studio broadcasts
  • installation of sprinkler system
  • construction of bathroom facilities
  • installation of video wall for stage & roof display
  • finishing of 100-seater wedding chapel
  • finishing of VIP Lounge for visiting speakers and artists
  • building and painting of enclosing walls

