24 November 2015
There are some very interesting engineering developments happening on the top floor of River Park. When you compare the photos from our last update to the most current ones, you will notice that some of the newly erected structures have been taken down again! This is not because of some mistake on the part of the engineers, but rather a better way forward on erecting the roof. The cross beams are very large and have been constructed in smaller segments. This is not only for ease of transport and getting the steel 4 storeys up by crane, but from what we understand also impacts the final structural integrity. The erected segments have come down, and will now be bolted, 3 segments per stretch, before being lifted into place. In the meantime the old roof is fast disappearing and the occasional rain shower serves as a “cooling-down” and “shower” function for the workers! All in all everything is progressing really well and we are getting more excited every day to finally see the new roof in place. River Park will in future truly be a landmark on the East London skyline!

Praise the Lord, the budget needs a mere 8,79% to be fulfilled! This translates to just over R2,6 million. We gratefully praise God for this. The team of Faith Broadcasting Network is extremely privileged to have so many like-minded people at their side and is honoured to call them friends! We praise God for such faithful partners. There are daily calls and emails from people all over the world who are pledging support, both in prayer and finances, for the project. We know that God commands His blessing where there is unity, and so together and united we believe to see the entire renovation completed on time.

God always provides necessary resources when He gives a vision to accomplish much for His Kingdom. Our vision is plain and simple – Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you (Matthew 28:19-20 MSG). This is the exact mandate of Faith Broadcasting Network and its partners! Thank you again for heeding the voice of Christ and partnering with us to make this commission a reality.

Thank you for your continued support of this vision in prayer and finances – we value your partnership greatly! To give you some practical insight into the timeline of the project, and also to help you pray specifically for each stage in this phase of the development, here is an anticipated timeline (we will keep updating you with the latest news as the plans unfold!

If you would like to make a donation into the Studio Roof Project please click here. Alternatively, please make use of our banking details below:

Account Name: Studio Roof Project
Bank Name: Standard Bank
Branch Name: East London
Branch Code: 050021
Account Number: 081 203 853
Swift Number: SBZAZAJJ


  • Vacating of Studio A (old) and removal of all broadcast equipment.
  • Renovation of Studio B as the interim main broadcast studio.
  • Removal of ±100% of the old wooden floor and shuttering put in place.
  • Casting of ±98% of the new concrete floor now completed and shuttering in place for the last sections.
  • New steel girders and beams put on to the floor, ready for erection; some structures already bolted into place.
  • Removal of old asbestos roof (portions).


  • Lifting of Oregon floorboards
  • Complete casting of concrete floor
  • Erection of support beams
  • Erection of roof trusses
  • Building of tiered seating structure
  • Waterproofing of entire roof/wall areas
  • Carpeting
  • Chairs to be installed on tiers
  • Construction of stage and storage areas
  • Construction of stage and storage areas
  • Installation of sound, light and video equipment
  • Building of main set for studio broadcasts
  • Installation of sprinkler system
  • Construction of bathroom facilities
  • Installation of video wall for stage & roof display
  • Finishing of 100-seater Partners Prayer Chapel
  • Finishing of VIP Lounge for visiting speakers and artists
  • Building and painting of enclosing walls